Friday, October 3, 2008

What's Yellow Springs Like?

If you've never been I suppose i could say it's a throw back to the 60's. I live here because I've always lived here. That makes me think of the book "To Kill A Mockingbird." Scout asks why doesn't Boo Radley leave his house or move away. Jem says something like why would he? I suppose if I lived somewhere else I would make more money and have more access to entertainment. Whenever I go to Cincinnati I think "wow, look at all of the tall buildings." My Hubby & I had to make a trip to Cincinnati and we must have looked like the Clampets. We'd been to the building where we needed to go before but we didn't remember there was an underground parking garage directly in front of the building. We found the garage and some sign said "public parking on level D." I wasn't sure whether level D was going to be up or down so I stopped the car, left it running and peered down a level. D was down. It took some maneuvering to get the car lined up. Hubby didn't like that. Once we park we have to find out way out of the garage. We found our way out but we came out around the other side of the building.

We walked to the building we needed to go. There was a revolving door. I started in first & as I push I look behind me because something has blocked the door from moving. Hubby's foot is in the door & I see his arm coming around the door---I very well think his arm could have been severed!!! I stop pushing & I go in first then he comes in. How we must have looked!! People must have thought "Dang those dummies don't know how to push a revolving door!" I think Hubby was going to try & go in the door at the same time as me. So our official government appointment took all of 5 minutes!!! We drove 70 miles for 5 minutes!!! At least we didn't have to drive to Cleveland like we did one time before!

Hubby thinks I don't act "right" in public. I think he doesn't act right. He said yes for a stop at Starbucks even though we are trying to save money to buy a house. I saw this lovely Black woman dressed to the 9's with interesting red shoes on. I kept staring at her feet I told SO I was going to tell her "I LOVEEEE your shoes." But I didn't. I just kept staring. A boy behind us spilled his entire large paper cup of hot water for tea. Hubby thought that was pretty funny! He didn't laugh at the time but he laughed later & reenacted it for me with sound effects later at home. The kid was trying to move his glasses & somehow everything spilled. It was pretty funny he said something like "dang." A Barista came out with a mom.

I listened intently to the blow hard at the next table. I assume he was a lawyer. We have fun people watching. I will point out all of the people who are my Hubby's ethnic persuasion. My hot chocolate wasn't so great. I'm sure she gave me a large when I asked for small. The sweetest thing happened when we were going back to our car. I asked Hubby what the name of the building was and he replied "the parking building." I said "IT IS NOT!!!" The elevator came and a very nice gentlemen didn't rush on like idiots do but he let me get on first. Before I got on I was staring at the top of the elevator because it didn't have a number it had a light. When the elevator arrived the light lit up. I was going to say "WOW look at that but I didn't." I'm sure the guy noticed. Once we got on the elevator he asked which floor & we said "D." I almost let out giggle. When we got to his floor he smiled and said something like "enjoy your day." It was so nice!!! I'm sure he knew we weren't from Cincinnati. We both agreed how nice he was.

Once we got in the parking garage Hubby stared walking in the opposite direction of our car. I commented how he never would have been able to find the building if I hadn't been there. I said "I can't believe you walking in the opposite direction." Hubby is brilliant in his field but he can't read a map backwards!!! For example, if the map says turn right, then left when you are coming home from where you've been you go right then left!!!! Hubby tells me to find Walnut street. I was on a one way street and I didn't know why I had to drive up just to make a circle!! As we're bickering I see a big interstate sign-I don't know which interstate but I knew it would get us home! As luck would have it, it was the correct interstate! I say "WALNUT STREET!!!! FIND WALNUT STREET!!??? Why in the heck would I go on Walnut Street when the way to get home is in front of us!!!" That's the funny thing about my driving. I don't exactly remember which road to take but if I circle around enough I eventually find my way home! I think it would be horrible to see Hubby drive in downtown Cincinnati!! Oh, I didn't tell you about the first lot we pulled into. A cute little guy smiles & shrugs his shoulders he was full. SO tells me to drive on the two sidewalks??!! I knew that wasn't going to work. There's no way I was going to do that. The "road" was cobble bricks. So I had to back up & the parking attendant saw I needed help so he went out into the street to stop traffic & guide me out. Nice!

We went to Cincinnati like four times last month. My we had a family reunion, salsa fest, and my aunt died. SO isn't crazy about driving. I don't mind it I just don't want to hear his mouth.

So I know I started off speaking about YS & ended up in Cincinnati but that's how things are sometimes! Oh, I remembered some woman stopped in her car & asked me how to get to the interstate & I just told her to drive around the corner she'd run into it. You eventually run into it. I do the same thing whenever I'm lost there. The last time was when we went to see Bodies the Exhibition. I asked some guy walking down the street. He was missing a lot of teeth. We park somewhere where I think the place is & we get out & ask this guy who's walking to work out. He tells us the place we're going is too far to walk. Actually it wasn't that far but we were several blocks away and for American standards it's too far to walk. You also might get mugged.

There could have been more v-jays in the exhibit. Should I use the V word? Nahh, there were male parts all over. Any way you want to slice & dice the male genetalia it was there but there were like only 3 ladies and they were at the end. They didn't show any milk ducts cross sectioned. One thing I noticed the solution that preserved the bodies also dyed the pubic hair blonde/orange. Leave it to me to notice something like that.

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